All posts by: admin

About admin

This is a relatively simple formula that divides the current assets of a company by its current liabilities. You would use the current ratio to compare a company’s current assets. Current assets would be defined as assets that are convertible to cash within one year. The current ratio, otherwise known as the working capital ratio, […]

It’s similar to financial accounting, but this time, it’s reserved for internal use, and financial statements are made more frequently to evaluate and interpret financial performance. Management accounting is about collecting data, analyzing it and then compiling it into financial reports that people in leadership positions can use to make better business decisions. Cost accounting […]

Повний стек Java розробник може будувати ціле Java додатки, включаючи зовнішній і внутрішній, бази даних, API, сервер і контроль версій. Система контролю версій дозволяє розробникам повного стеку відстежувати всі зміни, внесені в кодову базу. Знання про Git допомагає розробникам повного стеку зрозуміти, як отримати найновіший код, оновити частини коду, внести зміни в код інших розробників, […]

Countability is on the period they occur rather than the periods in which the related expenses and revenues are spent. Firstly, you must reconcile beginning cash basis retained earnings, and secondly you need to reverse any payables and receivables that shouldn’t be shown on a cash basis tax return. Accounting help from professionals who work […]